
Hi, I’m Carina. Nice that you’re here!

Everything I do comes from who I am. But since, to be honest, most of the people around me still don’t know exactly what “everything” actually is (“…something with Ayurveda?”), let’s start with that!

Are you passionate about holistic health and healthy & easeful living? Great! Because that is exactly what is important to me, not only in my private life, but also in my job – my vocation:

I love passing on my knowledge and, in addition to individual therapy sessions in my practice in Barcelona, I also offer online courses on all aspects of health. 

Hi, I’m Carina. Nice that you’re here!

Everything I do comes from who I am. But since, to be honest, most of the people around me still don’t know exactly what “everything” actually is (“…something with Ayurveda?”), let’s start with that!

Are you passionate about holistic health and healthy & easeful living? Great! Because that is exactly what is important to me, not only in my private life, but also in my job – my vocation:

I love passing on my knowledge and, in addition to individual therapy sessions in my practice in Barcelona, I also offer online courses on all aspects of health. 

Some insights …

  • I live in Barcelona, ​​my dream city.
  • I spent my childhood in the countryside of Bavaria, Germany and lived in 5 other countries before finally settling here.
  • Practicing yoga is my daily dose of balance.
  • My company didn’t come about through luck, but through discipline, persistence, a lot of courage and a “better done than perfect” attitude.
  • Coconut in any form is my absolute “superfood” for the soul!
  • I love working with motivated people – the best investment is always in ourselves.
  • My daughter is a real power girl and keeps me really busy… all the more important that I know one thing and practice it every day:

How to feel vital and fulfilled.

My healing journey

I remember having suffered from an early age from severe hormonal, digestive and sleep problems that I only healed in my mid-twenties. Our family life was quite challenging and I developed some mental and emotional imbalances like panic attacks, obsessive worries and guilt. When I hit puberty, I had severe period pains, extreme moodiness and skin problems. I rejected femininity and suffered from low self-esteem and self-critical thoughts.

When I couldn’t achieve anything with my healthy diet (that was healthy but wrong for my constitution type), my regular sports program and a few visits to the doctor, I was captivated by the individual approach of Chinese medicine and Ayurveda. I realised that these medicine systems provided me with a lifestyle that suited me and explained to me how body, mind and spirit are connected. At the same time, I healed my traumas with a mix of Western and Eastern psychology. Shadow work, ancestral healing and Inner Child work in particular helped me a lot.

I then studied in my twenties naturopathy, Chinese medicine, holistic massage and Craniosacral therapy before training in Yoga and Ayurveda.

The great thing about Ayurveda and Chinese medicine is that it is not about limitations, as with many diets and methods, but the person is always viewed holistically and there is never a “one fits all” solution. Ayurveda is also much more than nutrition and can be seen more as a philosophy of life. This is how I came to my training as an Ayurveda Health Coach and Yoga teacher.

At the same time, I studied intensively the endocrine system and how digestive and sleep problems can be cured. The nervous system and how to regulate and avoid stress were also of great interest to me. The holistic approach of nutrition, routines, lifestyle, mindfulness, sleep and much more helps the body get back into rhythm. That is exactly what my consultations and courses are all about. You get to know yourself so well and how your body works and how it is part of nature that you take action and slowly start healing profoundly.

Today, hormones, rhythmic living, fertility, digestion, sleep and women’s health are the focus of my work. I want you too to experience a journey away from a rollercoaster ride to a harmonious life rhythm. If you feel good in your body and you are full of energy and drive, you can also create the life you want.

You’re a unique woman and being strongly connected to your femininity gives you the softness to access your intuition and take decisions to support you in the best way possible. We all have special gifts and it is important to use them in this life in order to be fulfilled.

Integrating a healthy lifestyle into everyday life is a major challenge for many. That is exactly what I have made my passion. To help you integrate ancient Ayurvedic knowledge into modern life and to understand your unique constitution and the rhythms of nature. There is so much we can do for our own health – if only we know how!

Simple measures and options help to promote personal health and prevent illnesses. I am firmly convinced that this is possible through individual mind and body work (e.g. yoga and meditation), a balanced diet and elements from traditional medical systems (e.g. Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine).

And all of this can be integrated into our daily life easily and with great pleasure!

In addition to my online courses, you will find many exciting free resources on my blog, Youtube channel and podcast. Solo shows, interesting interviews with a wide variety of experts from the health sector. The better you understand yourself, the easier you can make the right decisions to support your health and life.

Curious? Sign up for my newsletter, podcast and Youtube channel to stay up to date. Or write me an email – I look forward to hearing from you!

You have the following options to work with me:

Hormone Thrive

An online program with 1:1, self-study modules and weekly live calls to balance your hormones and to feel good in your body and life again.

Ayurveda Hormone Detox

Cleanse With Me Every Spring & Autumn.

My professional trainings

State-Approved Naturopath (degree from Germany)

Certified and trained in:

  • Ayurveda Health Coach
  • Acupuncture
  • Chinese medicine nutritionist
  • Craniosacral therapy
  • Foot reflexology
  • Several massage treatments
  • Bach flower remedies
  • Yoga
  • Meditation

Some institutes and teachers I have practiced and worked with

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