
Autumn Cleanse 2024


Enjoy an Online Ayurvedic Detox

from the Comfort of Your Own Home

Oct 2nd – 23rd

You can detox for one to three weeks, or even longer.

The longer you detox, the better your results can be. I recommend committing to at least one week.

Leave behind menstrual cycle or menopausal symptoms, digestive and sleeping issues, exhaustion, bloating, blemished skin, cravings, and water retention in just three weeks—without starvation, water fasting, pills, or powders.

Learn how to easily regain your hormone balance, energy, and mental clarity in your everyday life.


  • You don’t feel like yourself anymore, you’re
    exhausted, tired, without energy
  • Your mood swings not only affect you, but your
    partner and family as well
  • Your suffer from digestive complaints: diarrhea,
    constipation, cramps, bloating or other discomforts
  • Your immune system is weakened and you easily get sick
  • You struggle on certain days in your cycle with: painful breasts, headaches, menstrual cramps or
    flatulence make things difficult for you
  • You don’t know what else to do: the weight just won’t go down. You don’t feel comfortable, even in your favorite clothes
  • You really love your partner very much. But you just don’t feel like having sex
  • Menopausal symptoms, hot flashes and sleep disorders take away a lot of your quality of life
  • You suffer from headaches and migraines
  • You have brain fog and lack of mental clarity

My love, if you feel this way, then you should know:

Your hormones are out of balance right now! And like you, many other women feel the same way. Still, that’s no reason to put up with all these complaints. And I will help you over the coming weeks to bring your hormones back into balance so that you can feel energised and strong again and live in harmony with your hormones!


Hormones that enter the body from outside and also hormones that the body produces itself and are no longer needed must be detoxified via the liver and excreted via the intestines. In principle, the body has no problem with the breakdown of endogenous hormones.

Nowadays, however, we ingest large amounts of toxic hormone-active substances, so-called endocrine disruptors, every day. They block our metabolism and mess up the hormonal balance.

Endocrine disruptors and other toxins are associated with hormone imbalances of testosterone, insulin, cortisol or estrogen. At the same time, they can lead to a lack of thyroid hormones and disturb our sex hormones balance.

If your liver…

  • does not have the nutrients it needs to break down pollutants
  • is contaminated with environmental toxins
  • is overburdened by a sluggish bowel movement

…..then it has a massive impact on your entire hormone balance.


The Ayurveda Hormone Detox focuses on strengthening the liver and supporting the detoxification pathways via the intestines, kidneys, skin, and lymph.

In Ayurveda, the change of season is ideal for discharging toxins and releasing stored metabolic waste, as well as old belief systems and outdated habits.


  • Sleep problems
  • Frequent headaches
  • Weight gain
  • Mood swings
  • Depressive moods
  • Acne, eczema
  • PMS
  • Anger, resentment, irritability
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Bloating, constipation
  • Hot flashes, also at night
  • Waking up during the night
  • High cholesterol levels
  • Emotional eating
  • Cravings for sweets
  • Weakened immune system
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Fatty liver, bile problems
  • Brain fog
  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Nausea or vomiting


  • You wake up refreshed in the morning and go through the day full of energy and in a good mood.
  • You experience your cycle and period positively, feeling relaxed and pain-free.
  • You no longer have to constantly think about what or when to eat. 
  • Cravings are no longer an issue for you.
  • Your skin glows, and your hair grows fuller again.
  • You fit back into your favourite clothes as your bloating and water retention disappear, and body fat melts away.
  • Your love life gets a boost as your libido returns.

These are some of the results I and others have experienced through seasonal Ayurvedic detoxing, and the same is possible for YOU.

Get your energy and strength back, and take your hormone health into your own hands!

Believe me, it’s not that hard to achieve. Many women simply lack a solid concept and step-by-step instructions to follow. I will guide you with the best support possible through the Ayurveda Hormone Detox.

More than 200 women have already completed the program and are enthusiastic about the results in such a short time.

“I have been taking thyroid medication for many years. But I never felt completely well and the menopause is slowly beginning to appear. For me, the program was an eye opener. It has brought about so many positive changes in me. The sweats and water retention are gone and I finally have a lot more energy again. ”


“After my second pregnancy I got more and more problems with PMS, headaches, tiredness and weight gain. When I ovulated, I was very irritable and retained water. Since working with Carina I feel so much better. I have energy again, I’m more balanced and last month I was completely surprised because my period suddenly came – without PMS or cramps. I also took fitness sessions with Julia and finally started to have a toned body again and a regular exercise routine. I feel so much more connected to my body than before the program. ”


“What I particularly like about the program is that it’s not just about nutrition (the recipes are awesome, by the way). I just didn’t realize how much I suffered from my hormone imbalance every day, e.g. just through the cosmetics and perfumes I used every day. I now know what to do about my estrogen dominance. I now live much more consciously and notice that I am less stressed and more relaxed. ”


The Ayurveda Hormone Detox Program is an online course with weekly live group coachings in which you gently support the liver and intestines so that they can safely detoxify, drain, rebuild and produce hormones again. 


I am an Ayurveda Hormone & Health Coach, acupuncturist, yoga teacher, podcaster, and expert on natural hormone regulation and holistic health.

Through my many years of work as an Ayurveda Hormone Coach and acupuncturist, I have found that hormonal imbalance often stands in the way of many women achieving their well-being.

In my training and studies, I learned that hormone regulation must occur holistically and simultaneously on different levels that work together like gears. Only then can we enable the body to regulate itself again.

From this knowledge and my experience working with clients, I developed my detox program. Since then, I have been able to help over 900 women through my coaching and online programs to understand the topic of hormones from the ground up and to show that it is not that difficult to bring hormones back into balance—if you approach it strategically!

Every single woman deserves to feel great. I am happy if I can help you with this program to regain your energy and lightness and make your hormones happy again.

That’s what you’ll learn with me in the 3 phases of the detox


  • Set your goal
  • Design your detox
  • Organise your kitchen + pick your recipes
  • Ease slowly into the detox
  • Receive your detailed action plan for phase 1


  • Support detoxification in your mind and clear emotional blocks 
  • Remove toxic substances in your household
  • Deep detox phase
  • Receive your detailed action plan for phase 2


  • Support detoxification via skin and lymph system
  •  Remove toxic substances in cosmetics and beauty products
  • Ease slowly out of the detox
  • Receive your detailed action plan for phase 3



Do you have to starve yourself during the detox program to successfully release toxins? Not at all! Depending on your goals, time and budget, I help you to design your meals without any sacrifices or cravings. You gently but deeply detox.


The recipes are easy and super delicious! They contain foods and ingredients that aid your digestion and detoxification process. They are cow milk, sugar and gluten free, delicious, light and easy.


It is important to me to provide you with background
knowledge about detoxification and hormone synthesis through small video lessons. This understanding makes it much easier for you to implement it.


I will provide you with
background knowledge from Ayurveda to understand your bodymind type better and on how to implement what you have learned in your everyday life.


Once a week I summarize the most important action steps for you so that you don’t lose sight of the essentials.



  • 3 Live Coaching Calls (recording available if you cannot attend); Oct 3rd at 6 pm CEST; Oct 13th at 8 pm CEST; Oct 21st at 8 pm;
  • 3 Live Workouts (recordings available)
  • 3 Live Face Anti-Aging Sessions
  • 24/7 Online group chat for support
  • Accountability


For only €159.00


How is an Ayurvedic cleanse different from other detoxes?

1. An Ayurvedic cleanse differs in that it is designed to detoxify all the bodily tissues, not just the digestive tract.
2. In addition to cleansing, we focus on a calming daily routine to support your body and mind in letting go and to support you going forward.
3. An Ayurvedic cleanse includes an Ease-in and Ease-out phase instead of jumping into and out of the cleanse which can lead to severe detox symptoms and undo some of the good effects and even be harmful. The Ayurveda Hormone Detox brings a more balanced and smoother experience.

What is the difference between your Ayurveda Hormone Detox program and the Hormone Thrive program?
The Ayurveda Hormone Detox program is mainly about supporting detoxification and liver metabolism. You will also learn more about your unique bodymind type from an Ayurvedic perspective and small habits than can prevent the toxin build-up and that help you to feel more energetic, connected and present in everyday’s life.

The Hormone Thrive program, on the other hand, is a large online group program that I lovingly supervise over 20 weeks. While the detox program only deals with one topic as an introductory offer, the Hormone Thrive program covers all topics that are important for restoring hormone balance. Among other things: adrenal fatigue/exhaustion, thyroid, sex hormones – and how we can support them through nutrition, stress regulation and healthy lifestyle habits. There is also an internal group forum for participants to encourage and exchange ideas. Additionally, I host weekly live Q&A sessions and provide 1:1 coaching sessions.

Do I need any basic knowledge about Ayurveda?
No prior experience in Ayurveda is needed! Ayurveda is very accessible and helps you to quickly understand your body better and what you need to do to feel more balanced and healthy on a daily basis.
You can work and do your normal activities while you cleanse?
Yes you can! But we do recommend that you schedule in as much downtime as you can during the cleanse.
Can anyone take part in this detox?

This cleanse is not appropriate for children under the age of 16, or those who are debilitated.

Do I need to take a lot of supplements?
No. Simply a very healthy diet using water, fruits, and vegetables will create a deep and effective cleanse. We also use spices to cleanse deeper or to help clear away any detoxifying effects of the cleanse. Some herbs and spices allow the process of cleansing to happen with greater ease and grace.
I suffer from a specific medical condition, take medication or hormonal contraception. Can I still take part in the program?

The Ayurveda Hormone Detox program is suitable for everyone, as it is not a strict fasting program but is based on a balanced, holistic diet that can be continued in the long term. The program is particularly suitable if you are taking medication or the pill. Drugs have to be detoxified and put a strain on the liver. The program strengthens and supports the liver and digestion and is also well suited for women planning to come off the pill.

Do I also have the opportunity to ask individual questions or is there an opportunity to exchange ideas with others?

The Ayurveda Hormone Detox is a GROUP cleanse program. Within a group context, Carina will support you as much as possible and will answer all of your questions within a reasonable time period. You will need to show up in the online forum and/or on the live calls to get your questions answered. The cleanse will be somewhat tailored to your needs, however for a completely customized cleanse with private consults with Carina, please request a 1:1 custom program.

I have a food intolerance or allergy. Is that taken into account?
If there are intolerances, you would have to replace or omit the corresponding foods yourself. However, all recipes are dairy, sugar and gluten-free.
Can I get a reimbursement if I don't like the program?
Unfortunately, this is not possible and hopefully will not be necessary either :-).
Can you guarantee that the program will heal my complaints?
Even if I would like to – I cannot and do not want to. Without knowing you, your medical history or your life situation, that would also be quite unprofessional. It is up to you how you implement what I teach you and integrate it into your life. I want you to take responsibility for your own health and be positive, open, committed and happy about it. This is the best prerequisite for you to feel better soon.
Should I stop taking my prescription medications during the program?
You should not stop any medications unless you are told to do so by your healthcare provider.
Should I continue with my regular supplements?
The foods and drinks of the detox contain many minerals, vitamins and other nutrients to help meet your daily requirements. You may suspend natural supplements during the detox if you wish. Please ask your current health care practitioner if you have any specific questions, especially if they were prescribed to you for a particular condition.
Will I be fasting during this program?
No. This is not a water fast, nor is it a colon cleanse, which are very harsh on your system. You will be having enough food and drinks. You may feel a slight withdrawal in the first few days if you are giving up a lot of caffeine, alcohol or sugar.
Can I do this program if I have hypoglycemia?
Yes, since this is not a fast, you will be consuming adequate amounts of food to help regulate your blood sugar. This program is specifically designed to balance and support healthy blood sugar levels.
Will I lose weight?

This detox program is not solely designed to be a weight loss program. However, many people lose weight during their detox program. Some of the reasons for this weight loss include: lower than usual caloric intake, taking sugar out of the diet, decreased consumption of allergenic foods such as wheat and dairy, increased awareness of any emotional issues, and the release of toxins from fat stores. However, if you don’t want to lose weight, Carina has special tips for you so that you can detox without losing weight. 

What about cravings?
During the pre-cleanse period, we slowly wean ourselves from caffeine, alcohol, sugar and other unhealthy foods. It is natural to feel some discomfort when you are cutting back. We have some ways to mitigate the discomfort, to help you relax and enjoy the cleanse as much as possible.
What if I can’t make a call or any of the calls?
No problem! All the calls are recorded for you to watch/listen at a time that works for you. If you have questions that weren’t answered on the calls, you can ask them in the group forum.
How will the cleanse affect my energy? Will I be able to work?
YES, while I do encourage you to let go of unessential activities during the cleansing period, this cleanse is designed for you to be able to continue your normal activities.
What if I’m sick? Can I cleanse while I’m sick?

If you’re feeling slightly under the weather, the initial phase of the detox can help alleviate the digestive system and strengthen the immune system. You’ll need to decide for yourself or consult a doctor. However, if you become ill, it’s best to focus on recovering first. Once you’re feeling better, I’ll provide you with access to the call recordings and materials to start the program again.

Will the food during the cleanse cost me a lot of money?
From my experience most people save money during the cleanse, because the cost of whole foods is generally less than that of pre-packaged foods or of eating out. If you decide to drink many juices you may spend considerably more, due to the large quantities of fresh vegetables and fruits required.
For how long will I have access to the course hub?
You have access for 8 weeks in total to the course hub.
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