Thrive & Shine
Discover my course that will shift your identity by changing your habits with Ayurveda.
Create a daily routine and a mindset that will develop deep confidence in yourself. Tap into your unique potential and purpose.
Enjoy a way of life that withstands stressful and challenging times and connects you to the earth-based rhythms.
Start: February 11th
Thrive & Shine is a 12-month health and lifestyle course that helps you align your daily habits while upgrading your health, evolving your identity and cultivating ease and inner peace.
I welcome you to become part of a thriving and supportive community that makes it easy to grow. Meet like-minded people that are growth-oriented to support you in your ability to change and integrate new habits to thrive and to reach the next level of personal integrity.
Thrive & Shine will allow you to achieve the results you desire and to transform your life in a way that feels authentic and rich.
My intention is that you find that here.
This program combines ancient Eastern medicine wisdom from Ayurveda, Yoga and modern behavioural sciences and coaching in a dynamic international group.
You will feel deeply nourished and rested with more energy to do the things you love. Just take a moment and imagine how great you could feel in one yearWould you love to discuss this in-depth?
Book a FREE Consult with me to see how Thrive & Shine can help you to upgrade your health and life.
Join us on February 11th.
Getting a little help with changing your habits can uplevel everything.
A 12-month healing journey towards a routine where you flourish and thrive.
Habit 1: Better Energy
Habit 2: Evening Glory
Habit 3: Morning Magic
Habit 4: Prana up your Life
Habit 5: Vitality Boost
Habit 6: Healing Hands
Habit 7: Inner Stillness
Habit 8: Digestive Fire Boost
Habit 9: Sense Organ Party
Habit 10: Easeful Living

Quarter 1: Discover and learn the habits
Quarter 2: Work and deepen the habits
Quarter 3: Automate the habits
Quarter 4: Be the habits and tap into your unique potential
We meet via ZOOM video conferencing to share, learn, reflect and talk about our challenges, wins and setbacks. You can access the classes from wherever you are and can watch the recording if you can’t make it.
We also have two all-day live events in Barcelona to connect deeper with the community and to explore our body and mind in a creative and playful way.
Start: February 11th
Do you want to thrive in your professional and private life? Do you desire to feel fully embodied? Do you wish to lead a self-determined life? In that case, you need to make yourself a priority and to integrate new healthy habits.
Is it often your intention to:
Lose weight and keep if off
Be less emotionally reactive
- Feel grounded and relaxed
Eat healthier and cook more often
- Have more energy
Create a life with less stress
Have more time for yourself, your family and friends
Listen to your inner voice
Create deeper relationships
- Have a strong self-confidence
Exercise regularly
Go to bed earlier
- Attract the people you want to have in your life
You started highly motivated and maybe even adhered to it for a couple of weeks, months… Then you had some problems in your job or relationship, became sick, went on holidays or had a few bad days. You slowly started here and there with some exceptions until… you ended up back where you started: in your comfort zone.
You discovered that it’s not easy to change outworn habits and routines and maybe you felt frustrated, angry, guilty or sad upon realising that.
How will you integrate deep rhythm in your daily life?
Just imagine you’re given the tools to successfully implement new habits and routines that you love, along with the support of people that understand exactly what you are going through. That would be wonderful! Do you think that’s possible? I say YES it is!
There is no quick fix for sustainable changes and deep internal transformation processes. I myself, love working with affirmations, practising self-love, and meditation. Still, I think we need more to experience a profound shift.
A 12-month healing journey into a routine to flourish and thrive
Habit 1: Better Energy
Habit 2: Evening Routine
Habit 3: Morning Magic
Habit 4: Prana up your Life
Habit 5: Vitality Boost
Habit 6: Healing Hands
Habit 7: Inner Stillness
Habit 8: Deepening
Habit 9: Sense Organ Care
Habit 10: Easeful Living
Quarter 1: Discover and learn the habits
Quarter 2: Work and deepen the habits
Quarter 3: Automate and further deepen the habits
Quarter 4: Be the habits and tap into your unique potential
We meet via ZOOM video conferencing to share, learn, reflect and talk about our challenges, wins and setbacks. You can access from wherever you are and can watch the recording if you can’t make it.
Your Yearlong Membership Includes
- Thrive & Shine course with masterclasses.
- Weekly emails + video lessons on the 10 core habits of self-care.
- Workbook full of wisdom, checklists, worksheets and additional tools.
- Nutrition & recipe booklet.
- You can access the videos from your phone as well.
- Weekly group coaching calls.
- 12 one-on-one coaching calls with me to support your momentum throughout the journey.
- Peer-to-Peer support.
- Community support + accountability.
- Collection of yoga videos for different styles and levels.
- Meditation audios that help you connect with your inner truth and your vision.
- 2 all-day live events in Barcelona
What others say about Thrive & Shine
Alissa Xander
I was in the pilot group of Carina and can’t be grateful enough! These seemingly simple habits have had an immense impact for me. Throughout my adult life, I’ve tried to maintain a very healthy lifestyle, so I wasn’t sure what effect the habits would make me for me—thinking that I already embodied most of the them. But after going through the process, and learning the intricacies of the habits, I found that I could still make small changes and see major results. I’ve been going to bed early for the past several years, but now when I wake up, I feel more rested and energised. I feel so much more easeful as I start my day, which makes the rest of the day go much better.
Patty Hlava
Living and practicing the habits has not only shifted my health physically & emotionally, but also the quality of life for my whole family. What has been really remarkable has been making the changes in really subtle ways. It helped me not only let go of perfectionism and break free of old self- shaming tendencies, but also to create very sustainable changes in my habits. I have more energy, I’ve lost weight, my sleep has improved, and I’m generally just happier. My husband has gradually implemented may of the habit and has also noticed huge positive shifts in his energy and digestion. After watching us make these changes, our college-age son is now asking about the habits and wanting to learn more! I loved the way how Carina organised the course and I got so much out of the live calls and workshops! Her knowledge about the body, mind and Ayurveda is impressive!
Helen Tan
The ten habits I learned, practiced and finally weaved into my life are foundational to the stability and clarity I feel in my body, mind, emotions and spirit. Thanks to these habits I am clear on what actions to take when life derails me. As a result, I’m not “down” for long. Six months after I started practising the habits, the change in my diet (hence my digestion) and going out in nature regularly, contributed largely to the rebalancing of my thyroid and I was able to come off my hyperthyroid medication naturally. Before I joined the course, I had known that eating a predominantly plant- based diet, regular activity, and so on were good for me. However, it was the course material, coaching and community support I received in the course that enabled me to understand the importance of the habits and hence embody them.

Hi, I am Carina.
I’m a mom, yogi, Eastern medicine lover, traveller, lifelong learner and discoverer. Over the last 20 years, I’ve invested most of my time and money in personal development and natural therapy modalities.
Each course, retreat and training I took, helped me to understand my body and mind better. Progressively I found restful and deep sleep, my skin eczema disappeared, my digestion became regular and smooth, and my painful periods belonged to the past.
I developed a more compassionate and loving way towards others – and myself – and found moments of deep satisfaction. It took me quite a while to get there. It has become my passion to guide and accompany others on their healing journey.
Thrive & Shine combines everything I have learned. It will be transmitted in an easy to understand and applicable way, so that you experience personal growth and find better health and more fulfilment in your daily life.
This program is for you if:
- You want to break through old patterns and limiting belief systems.
- You have dreams and desires but no clue how to realise them.
- You want more ME TIME and stop putting others first.
- You desire habits and a routine that regenerate you.
- You want a smooth digestion and stable energy.
- You long for a deep and restful sleep.
- You want balanced hormones.
- You want to prepare healthier food faster.
- You want to slow down and enjoy the things you love.
- You want to feel grounded, rested and easeful.
- You want to get out of your mind and into your body.
- You are ready to be coached, mentored and guided on a new growth path.
- You want more energy, strength and stamina.
- You desire to live a dynamic and fully embodied life.
- You want to live a purposeful life.
Without EVER Leaving Your Home!

At the end of this journey, you will:
- Understand your constitution and body and know what to do when you see the first signs of imbalance.
- Develop an optimal morning and evening routine for a joyful and energised day and a restful, deep sleep.
- Will trust in yourself to make decisions with ease and to let your intuition guide you.
- Find out where you want to go next and create the life you wish to have.
- Feel good in your body and calm in your mind.
- Know what to eat to keep your metabolism at its best.
- Have found friends that inspire you and help you engage your evolving edge.
- Have gained Ayurvedic wisdom to take care of your body and mind.
- Have learned how to prepare healthy food easily and quickly.
- Shift out of the drama and into power.
- Be proactive, not reactive towards challenges.
Your audacious life goals are fabulous. We’re proud of you for having them. But it’s possible that those goals are designed to distract you from the thing that’s really frightening you—the shift in daily habits that would mean a re–invention of how you see yourself.
—Seth Godin
Transformational Year
Bring-A-Friend Special: 2 tickets for 2800€
Next start: February 11th
Payment plans are available.
One Pay 1850€
One Payment –
Great Savings!
Quarterly Payments
4 Payments of
520€ – quarterly
Monthly Payments
12 Payments of
190€ – quarterly
VIP Package 3200€
Email me for more details.