
Describe your nose

Physical level
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My joints are

Physical level
Show hint

How is your learning ability?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your hands

Physical level
Show hint

How is your memory?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What's your personality like?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your forehead

Physical level
Show hint

How is your eating pace?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

You spend money

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How is your adaptability?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What are your thoughts like?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How is your sense of hunger?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your neck

Physical level
Show hint

How's your elimination?

Physical level
Show hint

How do you handle friendships?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How good is your concentration?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How do you act under potential threat?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

I walk

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your eyes

Physical level
Show hint

What kind of exercise do you enjoy?

Physical level
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How do you cope with traumatic situations and great challenges?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What's your skin like?

Physical level
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Describe your nails

Physical level
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How does your couple’s relationship look like?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How's your physical strength and endurance?

Physical level
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My digestion is

Physical level
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How's your appetite?

Physical level
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How are you with competitors?

Mental-emotional level
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My skin colour is

Physical level
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How do you prefer working?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What are your eating habits?

Mental-emotional level
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How is your general emotional state?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

How do you cope with projects and problems?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your lips

Physical level
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What's your hair like?

Physical level
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What's your sleep like?

Physical level
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How is your communication?

Mental-emotional level
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Describe your body

Physical level
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How's your thirst?

Physical level
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How is your mental activity?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What's your body temperature like?

Physical level
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My voice is

Physical level
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I already suffered from ...

Mental-emotional level
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How do you handle difficult situations?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

My circulation is

Physical level
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How do you show up in your relationship?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Describe your shoulders

Physical level
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Describe your head

Physical level
Show hint

How do you react when having physical pain?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

You react

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

What type of work do you thrive in?

Mental-emotional level
Show hint

Dosha Quiz

Vata dosha Ayurvedic body type


Pita dosha Ayurvedic body type


Kapha dosha Ayurvedic body type

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