High Sensitivity: How Ayurveda can gently help you
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP): What is behind it? Are you just sensitive or highly sensitive? Do you perceive sensory stimuli and emotions much more than others? Do you experience your environment as too loud, too bright, too hectic, too many impressions and too...

Ayurveda: What’s Your Digestive Type? Get Your Agni Balanced.
The Power of Digestion in Ayurveda Ayurveda's aim is to have a long, happy and healthy life. The key to it is our metabolism, as all diseases have its origin in an imbalanced metabolism. The metabolism is therefore the central point we need to take care of if we want...

Is your metabolism balanced? What are the signs of a healthy metabolism?
What is metabolism? Is your metabolism in balance? Good metabolism, poor metabolism, too slow, too quick, ... The word metabolism is often used - and is often misunderstood. Because metabolism is not the same as digestion. The metabolism is the basis of all vital...

Improve your sleep with Ayurveda
Why sleep is so important Sleep plays a very important role in our health along with eating healthy and exercising regularly. It influences very much how emotionally stable, mentally clear and physically fit we are. A good night's sleep gives our body the possibility...

What´s your type of self-sabotage? And how to overcome it.
Tantric concepts speak about 3 different flavours of self-sabotage we can experience. Before getting to that concept and looking at solutions of how to defeat them, let's take a look at how self-sabotage can show up in our daily life. Self-sabotage: When you're your...

Hormone Yoga Therapy: Balance your Hormones for Optimal Health
History of Hormone Yoga Therapy Hormone Yoga Therapy is a form of yoga developed by Dinah Rodriguez, a Brazilian author and yoga teacher. Her aim first was to help women who are suffering from unwanted side effects of menopause. But soon she discovered, that the...