Hormone-Balancing Sweet Kitchari

Hormone-Balancing Sweet Kitchari

Sweet Kitchari Variation for a Delightful Breakfast

Discover a sweet twist to your Kitchari breakfast, perfect for those seeking a lighter morning meal or craving variety in their routine. This delightful recipe combines the nourishing goodness of Kitchari with a touch of sweetness, making it a delicious and wholesome option to start your day.


2 tbsp Mung Dal (soaked overnight)

2 tbsp basmati rice (thoroughly washed)

1 tbsp ghee or coconut oil

1⁄2 tsp fresh ginger (peeled and chopped)

1⁄2 tsp cinnamon powder

1⁄2 tsp cardamom powder

1 pinch of turmeric

1 small apple (grated or very small pieces)

1 handful of raisins

1 dash of lemon

some honey (optional)

1. Soak mung dal overnight, drain, and rinse.

2. Heat ghee in a large pot, roast ginger and spices over medium heat. Add mung dal, rice, apple, and sauté briefly.

3. Add 1.5 cups of water, ensuring everything is well covered. Bring to a boil and simmer on low heat for about 25 minutes. Top up with water if needed.

4. Once mung dal and rice are soft, season with lemon juice and honey if desired.

Customisations for Ayurvedic Types:

VATA types

Change the mung dal to rice ratio to 1:2.

Replace raisins with a small sliced date.

Use a large apple to ensure you’re getting enough fiber to help prevent constipation.

KAPHA types

Change the mung dal to rice ratio to 2:1.

Add more spice, such as additional ginger or star anise.

PITTA types

Substitute ginger and cinnamon with fennel powder or only take small amounts of it.

Replace honey and lemon with agave syrup and lime.

Consider using a pear instead of an apple.

Work With Me

If you’re struggling with weight loss, menstrual issues, PMS, or persistent cravings, explore how my Hormone Thrive Program can help kickstart your hormone balance.

Make your mornings joyful with this delightful Kitchari variation!