
Looking for help to achieve lasting hormone balance?

Boost your energy. Heal your gut. Restore your sleep.

Join the 20-week HORMONE THRIVE programme and become the master of your hormones.

Does this describe you?

  • You feel exhausted and drained.
  • You have signs of an unhealthy gut.
  • You are gaining more and more weight despite actually paying attention to your diet.
  • You suffer from PMS, moodiness and menopausal problems?
  • You have trouble sleeping and / or getting out of bed.
  • You’re overwhelmed by conflicting
    information on diet and health.

Then the assumption that there is a specific reason for your symptoms that may not have occurred to you is natural:

A hormonal imbalance!


that are out of balance lead to a variety of discomforts such as:


Sleeping Disorders


Hair Loss

  • Mood Swings
  • Sleeping Disorders
  • Headache
  • Anxiety and Depression
  • Heavy and Painful Periods
  • Acne and Skin Problems
  • Infertility
  • Low Libido
  • Tense Aching Breasts
  • Cravings
  • Hair Loss
  • Fat on the Belly, Hips or Thighs
  • Irregular Periods
  • Exhaustion and Tiredness
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night Sweats
  • Indigestion
  • Water Retention

All of these symptoms are caused by a hormonal  imbalance.

The fact is that we cannot look at our hormones separately from each other. When one hormone becomes imbalanced, the other hormones must respond dynamically to maintain hormonal balance. That’s actually great because, in this way, our wonderful body adapts flexibly and quickly to its external living conditions.

Hormonal disorders and symptoms arise when we permanently overstrain our endocrine system. Many factors play an important role here: psyche, stress, nutrition, liver and intestinal function, biorhythm, medication intake, environmental influences or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Since all hormones are interconnected and they need very specific living conditions in order to function optimally, only a holistic approach can help to heal your hormones naturally.

With my help and the wisdom of Ayurveda, use the chance to work very strategically together on your hormonal balance! ​As unique your imbalance, as unique needs to be the healing approach and action steps you need to take ​to rebalance your hormones. 

There are 2 key things that you truly need to understand in relation to feeling healthy and vibrant:


Your body is designed to become more EFFICIENT with time. To REGENERATE not DEGENERATE. It all comes down to your DAILY HABITS and SELF-CARE PRACTICES.


You’re the MASTER of your HEALTH and LIFE and are able to take CONSISTENT ACTION to change the way you feel.

I can tell you this because that’s what I’ve done to heal my gut, balance my hormones, restore sleep and regain energy and mental clarity.

When I first started to take care of my health, I was where you are too. I felt overwhelmed and confused by different information and by how I can have a healthy lifestyle that fits my modern, busy life.

I tried many different things and focused on different areas of my health and life that helped me improve my condition at a steady pace. I studied with the best teachers, trained in Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation to understand how we can heal profoundly and naturally.

There were some lows, of course. However, I continued my work and, step by step, found my way back to optimal health.

Surrounding myself with others who were working through their limiting beliefs, health challenges and life difficulties and succeeding helped me to do the same. This is possible for all of us when we have the right people around us and continue to take action. 

You’ll move forward and see results in your health and life when you first know WHERE you are, WHAT you want and HOW to get there.

Now, make a commitment to doing things differently.

And that’s exactly where my HORMONE THRIVE program comes in!
Wondering WHERE you should start?
WHAT exactly you need to do to finally see some results?
And WHICH next steps to focus on?
Then here’s what you need to know….

What if feeling energetic and healthy didn’t have to be
so confusing and hard?

Imagine you …

  • Have a deep restorative sleep and wake up feeling rested. Ending the cycle of burnout and fatigue.
  • Strengthen and repair the digestive system, immune and nervous system.
  • Relieve anxiety and manage stress well.
  • Balance your hormones and move with ease through your menstrual cycle and menopausal years.
  • Learn how and when to eat the right foods for your body’s unique needs.
  • Establish a deep connection to yourself and trust your intuition.
  • Find your optimal weight and cleanse your body from stored up toxins.
  • Feel more self-confident and empowered.

Do you think that sounds too good and easy to be true?

If you think that “easy” means you’ll never face any challenges or that you don’t have to take action and put in the work, then you’re wrong. Because that is not what I’m promising you at all.

But if you think that “easy” means with a clear, proven structure that takes out the guesswork and with the support and accountability you need to take action that creates results, then you are right. Because it CAN be that easy…

And that’s exactly why I created HORMONE THRIVE for you.


The HORMONE THRIVE course is a 20-weeks online program with a mix of 1:1 sessions with Carina, online course with videos, an online forum to receive support, and has already helped many other women to finally balance their hormones.

It combines modern Ayurveda, building habits for a healthy lifestyle & diet and ancient feminine wisdom with the best, comprehensive support for long-lasting hormone balance and happiness. This enables me to tailor a plan most suited to your needs.

I will accompany you, step by step, back to having more energy, more lightness and an all-round good body feeling.

In HORMONE THRIVE, I’ll show you which building blocks are necessary for your hormones to rebalance and for you to, ultimately, feel comfortable in your wonderful body again! 

You learn …

  • To understand your body and interpret your symptoms and their causes.
  • How to balance your hormones through a hormone-friendly diet, among other things.
  • Which medicinal plants can help you to achieve hormonal balance.
  • How the health of your gut and liver affect your hormonal health.
  • How to heal with the right exercise, stress-management and self-care habits, in harmony with your cycle and biorhythm.

Your Transformational Journey

Your journey takes 20 weeks with 1:1 sessions with Carina, video lessons and weekly action steps. I hold you accountable and support you to ensure that you change the way you feel in your body.

You go through the following 3 phases:


  • We find the root cause of your current hormone imbalance
  • We create a vision of your health
  • We define your priorities + goals
  • We design your healing journey


  • You learn the core principles of hormone balance
  • You practice tools + health hacks
  • You implement new habits + routines
  • We celebrate your successes


  • We go deeper in the healing process
  • You automate healthy habits
  • I give you tools to keep momentum
  • I help you create your support network

Client Testimonials

Please watch these client interviews

Elena, 38 years, New York

You pushed me to my limits and accompanied me beyond!

My energy and vitality have increased enormously and my body feels sensational! I found my optimal weight. Losing weight wasn’t my goal, but I feel like my body is becoming more of what it is naturally. I’ve always eaten quite healthy in general, however, from today’s point of view, it wasn’t what best fitted my constitution. I’m now astutely observing what food I get, when and why. I take care of when, how and what I eat. I like to cook for myself again because I notice how good it is not only to satisfy hunger, but to nourish myself at all levels 🙂

It’s hard to put into words… just do it 🙂 . HORMONE THRIVE is a profound experience. Thank you Carina! You pushed me to my limits and accompanied me beyond, sharpened my senses, aligned my mind, and kept room for advancement. I feel very grateful!



The training is delivered in a video, audio and workbook format with individual live sessions. Once you sign up, you’ll get instant access to all the material.

  • Welcome Kit: Ayurveda book + workbook
  • Access to online course hub with videos + app to access from your mobile phone
  • 8 1:1 Coaching Sessions with Carina
  • Private Online Forum


  • The Best Support and Accountability

What if you succeed beyond what you can imagine?

Before you book, we’ll meet to take a moment and envision WHAT you would like to experience in regards to your health, relationships, and goals. WHY would you like to experience this and WHAT is blocking you from doing so?

Hi, I’m Carina. Great that you’re here!

I’m a mom, yogi, Ayurveda coach, naturopath, Chinese medicine therapist, traveller, lifelong learner and expert on hormonal disorders.

I see many women who are doing all the ‘right’ things and are still not getting the results they are looking for. They watch what they eat, they make an effort to exercise, they do their best to focus on their wellness, and yet they still suffer from gut issues, sleeping disorders, low energy, anxiety and imbalanced hormones.

Once we discover the reasons why your hormones are out of balance, we can then work on what you need to change, add or avoid to help them rebalance and to get you back on track.

There’s no “one-size-fits-all approach” even if there are similar constitutions and imbalances. This type of approach results in inefficacy and even undesired side effects as a consequence of the therapies.

Every woman is unique and the personalized system of healing her hormones with Ayurveda responds to this. The routine, diet, practices, and even exercise workouts are designed to suit the individual.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us and let me show you how to take your hormones back into your own hands.

What others say…

Founder of Anahata Barcelona

“I can’t speak highly enough about Carina – she embodies everything she teaches us in the course. She is grounded, feminine, balanced and has direction. Carina’s course HORMONE THRIVE has given me the answers I have been looking for my whole life. Through Ayurveda I finally understand my constitution – I finally understand what makes my body feel good. I finally know what I need to do to lower the inflammation in my body. For those of you who know that you can feel better in your bodies than you currently do; for those of you looking to connect with your bodies and live in cycles with the Earth and wish to deepen their femininity – this course is for you!”

Alice W.

Before HORMONE THRIVE I went through my “To Do list” in the morning and got up already stressed. After 3 months in HORMONE THRIVE I take care of my body and my needs first thing in the morning. I immediately feel the strength I gain from this so that I can start the day serene and calm. Throughout the day I have these me-moments with conscious nutrition, meditation and exercise units and thus steer myself through every challenge with more confidence and power. HORMONE THRIVE is like a source from which I draw endless strength over and over again with small continuous improvements – I can no longer imagine my life without these me-moments.

THANK YOU, Carina!

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