#25 Food & Mood: How A Plant-Rich Diet Affects Happiness
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#25 Food & Mood: How A Plant-Rich Diet Affects Happiness
#25 Food & Mood: How A Plant-Rich Diet Affects Happiness – Interview with Lauren Lovatt
Lauren Lovatt is a plant-based chef, entrepreneur, and the founder of Plant Academy. She is also the creative force behind Feed Your Mind Candy, a project dedicated to delicious food that feeds your mind as well as improves your mental health.
Tune in and discover:
◇ Lauren’s journey with food
◇ Why is a plant-rich diet so important?
◇ What are some key elements of a healthy diet?
◇ How true is the statement “We are what we eat”?
◇ How can food make us happy and boost our moods?
◇ Lauren’s cookbook Mind Food
◇ 3 Tips on how we can start implementing more plant-based foods in our diet
Mind Food: Plant-based recipes for positive mental health
Learn more about Lauren’s work:
Plan Academy London
Lauren Lovatt
Lauren Lovatt
Plant Academy London