#48 AstroVeda for July: Romance, Dreams & Self-Expression

#48 AstroVeda for July: Romance, Dreams & Self-Expression

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#48 AstroVeda for July: Romance, Dreams & Self-Expression

#48 AstroVeda for July: Romance, Dreams & Self-Expression with Jill Loftis

Welcome to July 2024, a month filled with significant astrological events including retrogrades, karmic relationship aspects, and a powerful meeting of Mars and Uranus. Tune in as Jill and Carina dive into the cosmic energies influencing us this month.

New Moon Challenge: Find the dates for the IG lives at the end of the show notes – We can’t wait to meet you there!

Early July:

  • Neptune Station on July 2 at 29°55′ Pisces: Explore inspiration vs. distraction under Neptune’s furthest reach in our lifetime.

July 2: Sun in Cancer Squares the Nodes at 11

  • Emotional sensitivity and reactivity might spike.
  • Mercury in Leo demands attention while opposing Pluto.
  •  Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces, creating stability in water signs.
  • Ayurveda Kitchen Tip

July 5/6: New Moon in Cancer (6:57 PM EST at 14°23′)

  •  Mars in Taurus sextiles Saturn in Pisces, enhancing goal achievement energy.
  •  Jupiter in Gemini offers social opportunities.
  •  Physical, mental, and behavioral traits of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha imbalances.
  •  Digestion characteristics for each dosha.

July 7-10

  • Jupiter in Gemini Aspects
  •  Mercury in Leo trines Jupiter and the Nodes, fostering positive relationship momentum.
  •  Romantic Ayurvedic Meal

Mid-July 12-15

  • Venus in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius
  • Potential power struggles and dark energy.
  • Long Moon void from July 13 (6:49 PM EST) to July 14 (10:53 AM EST).
  • The Slow Down to Speed Up concept

July 16: Mercury Enters Retrograde Zone at 21° Leo 25′

  • The “shadow zone” + Calming Breathing Technique

July 17-21: Positive Sun and Mars Aspects

  •  Sun in Cancer moving into Leo sends positive energy to Mars.
  •  Fire signs receive a green light for action.
  • Yoga posture to creating and preserve energy

July 19-20: Mars in Taurus Aspects Pluto in Aquarius

  •  Time for practical magic and taking action.
  • Koshas (Layers of Being) meditation

July 22-25: Sun Opposite Pluto

  •  Potential power struggles with public figures.
  •  Mercury in Virgo enhances mental energy.

July 26: Another Long Moon Void (6:14 PM EST)

July 30: Saturn Retrograde

  •  Reflect, redo, and repair areas in Pisces.
  •  Ayurveda’s perspective on work-life balance.

Join our New Moon Challenge on IG on the following dates:

  • Saturday, July 6th: Unplug Hour🌀Screen-Free Success
  • Monday, July 8th – Digital Detox🌀Delete Distractions
  • Wednesday, July 10th – Gut Check🌀Discover Your Digestive Type
  • Friday, July 12th: Sweet Escape🌀Tame Your Sugar Cravings
  • Monday, July 15th: Healthy Swap🌀Break One Bad Habit
  • Wednesday, July 17th: Sleep Soundly🌀Boost Energy Naturally
  • Friday, July 19th: Dosha Dining🌀Tailored Diet Tips
  • Sunday, July 21st: Release Ritual🌀Cord-Cutting Magic

Carina’s IG and Jill’s IG

Join Jill’s Portugal retreat

Get your weekly forecast on Youtube with Jill

Discover more about Carina’s work here:

HORMONE THRIVE – My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
Free Metabolism Course – Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

#47 Human Design meets Ayurveda with Dr. Marie Weitbrecht

#47 Human Design meets Ayurveda with Dr. Marie Weitbrecht

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#47 Human Design meets Ayurveda with Dr. Marie Weitbrecht

#47 Human Design meets Ayurveda with Dr. Marie Weitbrecht

In this interview, we explore Marie’s journey into her passion-driven business and how Ayurveda has given her clarity and strength. She shares her insights on Ayurveda and Human Design, explaining why these concepts can greatly impact our lives. The era of one-size-fits-all advice is over; now, it’s about supporting each person in their unique being and defining our “why” when sharing our mission with the world.

Marie also gives insights on how the Ayurvedic Doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – relate to the Human Design chart, particularly to the types Manifestor, Generator, Projector, and Reflector.

Marie offers sessions in German and English. Mention the password “THRIVE” to benefit from a 100€ discount. Get in touch with Marie:

Website (only in German) 

IG (only in German) 

Discover more about Carina’s work here:

HORMONE THRIVE – My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
Free Metabolism Course – Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

#46 Hormones Unplugged: Vegan Nutrition

#46 Hormones Unplugged: Vegan Nutrition

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#46 Hormones Unplugged: Vegan Nutrition

#46 Hormones Unplugged: Vegan Nutrition

Welcome to the first episode of “Hormones Unplugged,” where we delve into the world of vegan nutrition and its impact on hormonal health. Join Claudia and me as we tackle common questions and misconceptions about vegan diets, offering both Ayurvedic wisdom and Western scientific perspectives.

In This Episode, We Discuss:

  • Nutrient Deficiencies in a Vegan Diet: What essential nutrients may be lacking in a purely vegan diet, and how can these deficiencies be compensated for effectively?
  • Health Effects of Vegan Diets: The differences between a well-planned vegan diet and an unhealthy or unbalanced one. Are there significant health advantages to a vegan diet?
  • Digestibility and Sustainability: Is a vegan diet easier to digest? How does it compare in terms of sustainability and the reduction of antibiotics and animal hormones?
  • Hormone Composition: What are hormones made from, and how does diet influence their production?
  • Impact on Hormone Balance: How can a vegan diet potentially affect hormone balance negatively? Protein versus plant-based protein.
  • Long-term Health Risks: Are there specific risks of hormonal disorders or other health problems for long-term vegans?
  • Bone Health: The effects of a vegan diet on bone health, with a focus on calcium and vitamin D intake.
  • Ayurvedic Perspective: Claudia shares insights on Shukra Dhatu nutrition, the role of Milk Rasayana, and Omega 3 from fish. 
  • Optimizing Hormonal Health: Can a vegan diet be adjusted to support optimal hormonal health? The role of supplements in a vegan diet.
  • Processed Foods and Sugary Substitutes: The impact of processed foods and sugary substitutes on vegan nutrition and overall health.

Join the Conversation: We’d love to hear your thoughts on this episode! Join my community on Instagram and share your main takeaway.

Get in touch with Claudia

#45 AstroVeda for June: Huge Energetic Shifts with Jill Loftis

#45 AstroVeda for June: Huge Energetic Shifts with Jill Loftis

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#45 AstroVeda for June: Huge Energetic Shifts with Jill Loftis

#45 AstroVeda for June: Huge Energetic Shifts with Jill Loftis

Welcome to June 2024, where we’re gearing up for Cancer season, a Capricorn full moon, and Saturn retrograde. Mercury returns to Gemini, adding a playful charm to our interactions. The social vibes of the full moon in Gemini on June 6 present a chance to revisit a conversation and make it right. For more insights tune in as Jill and I discuss:

  • Monday, June 3: Mercury enters Gemini, heralding a period of heightened communication and mental agility. Routine shifts for June and food prep tips for farmer’s market vegetables.
  • Thursday, June 6: The New Moon in Gemini at 8:38 am EST offers fresh opportunities for setting intentions and fostering new beginnings in communication and relationships. Potential Vata imbalance and tips for better sleep.
  • Saturday, June 8: Mars enters Taurus, prompting us to recognize the importance of patience and persistence in achieving our goals. Techniques for stabilizing and grounding energy, cleansing aura and space, and embracing resilience.
  • Sunday, June 16: Venus enters Cancer, infusing our emotions with sensitivity and nurturing energy. Significance of work-life balance according to Ayurveda.
  • Monday, June 17: Mercury follows Venus into Cancer, deepening our emotional connections and prompting introspection. Ayurvedic principles related to water consumption.
  • Wednesday, June 19: Vesta enters Leo, empowering us to embrace our confidence and individuality.
  • Thursday, June 20: The Sun enters Cancer, marking the beginning of Cancer season and a time for emotional introspection and nurturing self-care practices. Ayurvedic principles to communication and relationships, emphasizing the importance of balance and harmony.

Join Jill’s Portugal retreat

Join Jill’s 1:1 Membership

Get your weekly forecast on Youtube with Jill

Discover more about Carina’s work here:

HORMONE THRIVE – My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
Free Metabolism Course – Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

#44 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Ani Naqvi

#44 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Ani Naqvi

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#44 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Ani Naqvi

#44 Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Ani Naqvi

In this enlightening episode, I sit down with Ani Naqvi, a survivor of the 2004 Asian tsunami and a former guest on Oprah’s show. Ani is a Transformation Expert and Mentor dedicated to enhancing the productivity of CEOs, Founders, and elite performers while emphasizing self-care to prevent burnout. Ani shares her journey, insights, and strategies for overcoming imposter syndrome and achieving holistic well-being.

Discussion Topics:

  1. Understanding Imposter Syndrome:
    • Definition and manifestations
    • The inner critic and feelings of fraudulence
  2. Gender Differences:
    • Are women more affected than men?
    • Societal expectations and stereotypes
    • The impact of wage gaps and discrimination
  3. Signs and Symptoms:
    • Persistent self-doubt
    • Difficulty accepting praise
  4. Contributing Factors:
    • Perfectionism and high expectations
    • Societal pressure and past experiences
  5. Impact on Behavior and Performance:
    • Overworking, procrastination, and avoiding challenges
    • Seeking validation and relationship difficulties
  6. Strategies for Overcoming Imposter Syndrome:
    • Stop comparing yourself to others
    • Lean into your strengths
    • Let go of perfectionism
    • Affirm your worth and celebrate achievements
    • Recognize and label your inner critic
  7. The transformative power of holistic support
  8. Misconceptions and Resources:
    • Common misconceptions about imposter syndrome
    • Resources and programs to help individuals struggling with imposter syndrome

Work and connect with Ani:


Spiritual Divorce – Transformative Healing with Joyce Haddad

Spiritual Divorce – Transformative Healing with Joyce Haddad

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

Spiritual Divorce – Transformative Healing with Joyce Haddad

#43 Spiritual Divorce® – Interview with Joyce Haddad

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Joyce Haddad, the brilliant mind behind Spiritual Divorce. Joyce is a transformative healer who guides individuals through profound healing experiences, empowering them to overcome traumas and rediscover their true selves. 

In our interview, we delved into various aspects of healing and personal growth, touching on:

  • Joyce’s personal journey into healing and her background
  • Exploring the concept of Spiritual Divorce and its role in overcoming traumas
  • The process of rewiring and balancing the energy system to aid self-discovery
  • Addressing misconceptions about healing and alternative modalities
  • Approaching skeptics and hesitant clients with compassion and understanding
  • Understanding the role of brain waves in achieving altered states of consciousness
  • Practical steps for beginning the Spiritual Divorce Method and available resources
  • The transformative power of Spiritual Divorce and its potential to change lives
  • A message of hope and encouragement for those feeling stuck or overwhelmed

Work with Joyce

Joyce’s Instagram

