#009 EMDR and the Healing of Trauma

#009 EMDR and the Healing of Trauma

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#009 EMDR and the Healing of Trauma

#009 EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a psychotherapy method that is used in particular in the treatment of the psychological consequences of trauma. The method shows amazing results.

In today’s show we greet Isa Soler, a Barcelona based psychotherapist that combines Eastern and Western techniques to help people overcome trauma, healing anxiety and changing negative behaviour patterns.

  • What is EMDR and where does it originate from?
  • What happens during EMDR work?
  • What can one expect from it (and what not)?
  • After years of working with this method, tell us where EMDR is especially helpful.
  • Are there any indications when it shouldn’t be done?
  • What advice would you give to people that want to start to heal their traumas and overcome anxiety?
  • Who were your most important teachers and what did you learn from them?

Discover more about Isas work here.

Connect with me on IG @carina.greweling

#007: Childhood Deconditioning & Healing Trauma

#007: Childhood Deconditioning & Healing Trauma

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#007: Childhood Deconditioning & Healing Trauma

#007 Unprocessed traumas can cause physical problems and are often the root cause of many diseases. They influence the way we feel, act and behave as an adult. Have you ever longed for feeling free from your early conditioning? 

What you’ll get out of tuning in:

  • Puja’s own childhood and life journey. How did she start doing this work?
  • What’s childhood trauma? 
  • How trauma affects the health
  • Why is childhood trauma so damaging if not healed? What happens in the brain?
  • How can our childhood traumas affect adulthood esp. our friendships, couple life and professional fulfilment and success?
  • Puja’s approach to heal childhood traumas successfully. 
  • What mindset do clients need to do the work? 
  • Puja’s offer. What options do people have that want to start working with her?
  • Puja’s most important teachers


Learn more about Puja’s work.

Join her next upcoming retreat.

I hope you enjoyed the episode. Join the THRIVE community and hit subscribe!

Connect with me on IG @carina.greweling