#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

#36 Stressed Out? The Hidden Toll on Your Health

This episode is recommended for every woman who suffers from hormonally related discomfort of any kind; whether it’s thyroid problems, cycle issues, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues, or concerns with weight management.

I urge you to listen to this episode, even if you’re currently convinced that you don’t experience any stress at all. The topic is much more complex than you might suspect at this moment.

I’ll even go so far as to claim – if you had no stress, you probably wouldn’t have any hormonal complaints.

In this episode, you’ll learn how our stress system functions, what long-term stress does to your health, and how stress affects your hormones.

I’ll show you that modern stress isn’t always consciously perceived by us. More than ever, it’s crucial to intentionally create relaxation and moments of calm in our lives and not allow stress to overpower our hormones and our lives.

Check out the Ayurveda Hormone Detox

Check out the Hormone Thrive Program

#18  5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

#18 5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#18 5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

#18  5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

The thyroid gland is simply indispensable and vital. Every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors. Our mental health, our metabolism, our menstrual cycle, our fertility, digestion, mood and performance, as well as beautiful skin, hair and nails all depend on a well-functioning thyroid gland. That is why it is so worthwhile to strengthen the thyroid gland. 

There are different diseases of the thyroid gland such as goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland such as Hashimoto thyroiditis or Graves’ disease. 

Conventional medicine usually treats them exclusively with synthetic thyroid hormones, such as L-thyroxine. These drugs can indeed balance thyroid hormone levels. But the problem is that this kind of treatment has its limits and many patients are still not symptom-free. But the doctor can’t help them further because the thyroid levels seem okay according to blood work.

Regardless of whether you are taking thyroid medication or not. If you notice signs of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism it’s important that you support your thyroid. That’s why, in this episode, I show you five ways to boost your thyroid naturally.

Medication alone won’t get us very far because it doesn’t address the root cause of why the thyroid isn’t functioning as it should. We need to ask ourselves what factors have caused the thyroid to not function optimally. In my experience, there are five main factors that affect the thyroid. And those are the factors we should work on if we want to strengthen our thyroid.

In this podcast episode, I would like to share with you five tips to naturally support your thyroid so that you can hopefully feel better very soon.

Tune in and discover:

  • Improve digestion
  • Nutrition and superfoods for the thyroid gland
  • Toxins that threaten thyroid health and detoxification
  • Balance of sex hormone
  • Stress management and relaxation

For each of these areas, you’ll get easy-to-implement tips that you can immediately incorporate into your daily routine.

Hormone Yoga Therapy: Balance your Hormones for Optimal Health

Hormone Yoga Therapy: Balance your Hormones for Optimal Health

History of Hormone Yoga Therapy

Hormone Yoga Therapy is a form of yoga developed by Dinah Rodriguez, a Brazilian author and yoga teacher. Her aim first was to help women who are suffering from unwanted side effects of menopause. But soon she discovered, that the benefits serve all women suffering from any of the multitude of problems caused by hormonal imbalances.

In this post, we will cover everything you need to know about Hormone Yoga Therapy and how it can benefit you.

What is Hormone Yoga Therapy?

It is a holistic practice used to reactivate hormone production. As a result, it is said to improve and even eliminate hormonal imbalances.

HYT includes a fixed set of yoga postures, breathing techniques and visualisations. It draws primarily on hatha and kundalini yoga poses and practices.

Breath techniques (pranayama) alongside yoga poses activate the following glands: the hypophysis, thyroid, adrenal, and ovarian glands. The stimulation of these glands is increased by the application of mudras and bandhas alongside a Tibetan energy technique.

A bandha is also known as a body lock, whereas mudras are gestures with the fingers and hands. Both are used to help energy flow into certain parts of the body. 

Who is it for?

The therapy can reactivate glands and treat low or imbalanced hormones. It is therefore useful for women of any age, and specifically helpful for women who are:

  • experiencing a hormonal imbalance, for example: difficulty conceiving, menstrual disorders, ovarian cysts, vaginal dryness, and low sex drive.
  • looking for a preventative measure for the symptoms of peri- and menopause. Hormone levels start to drop at around 35 years old. 

Techniques used in Hormone Yoga Therapy

The techniques used in the therapy include: asanas (yoga poses), pranayama, mudras, bandhas, visualisation. We also work with the chakras. In order to stimulate the glands, we will practice dynamic asanas, along with powerful breathing.

Various types of breathing techniques are practiced during the class. To stimulate the glands, we use pranayama techniques involving strong abdominal breathing. For instance, breath of fire and full yogic breathing. Strong abdominal breathing moves the qi, prana, in the body and therefore improves circulation to the glands. 

These breathing techniques can also be used daily when you’re looking to find a little more calm or focus.

The practice consists of basic yoga poses and therefore you don’t need to have any experience in yoga to start the therapy! You will be taken step by step through each pose, as well as the breathing techniques.

Relaxation is also an important part. Students are led through the practice of yoga nidra, a relaxing, meditative style of yoga that takes you into a dream-like state. This, consequently, has huge benefits on your mental wellbeing and sleep.

What are the benefits?

This holistic therapy offers a host of mental and physical benefits for women of all ages, who experience hormonal imbalances. 

Managing the symptoms of the menopause

No woman should have to deal with the symptoms of menopause. HYT offers a natural and drug-free alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

In short, it can help alleviate the following symptoms of menopause:

  • Hot flushes
  • Urogenital dryness
  • Night sweats
  • Insomnia and sleeping disorders
  • Anxiety and sadness
  • Changes in periods
  • Osteoporosis prevention


Infertility is often linked to low hormone levels and other hormonal imbalances. The therapy will therefore stimulate hormone-producing glands and consequently help with infertility problems.

Yoga is also a wonderful support to the stresses surrounding difficulties with conception. A regular hormone yoga practice, will promote a positive relationship with your body. As a result, you will learn to love and nurture your body rather than feeling frustrated with or negative about it.

Stress and anxiety

In addition, whether you are experiencing high levels of stress or anxiety, HYT can alleviate the symptoms and leave you feeling much calmer and grounded. Meditative relaxation and visualisation techniques teach you to focus less on your thoughts and more on the present moment. So, these techniques are incredibly valuable and you can practice them on your own whenever needed.

Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Moreover, hormone yoga therapy, can lessen and even heal hormonal imbalances around the period, such as: tender breasts, cramps, mood swings, food cravings, digestion problems and others. It is the regular practice that increases blood circulation in the reproductive organs and balances hormones. As a result, it can help significantly with PMS problems.

More benefits of HYT

Other imbalances where HYT can help:

  • Insomnia
  • Painful periods
  • Incontinence
  • Hypertension
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Low libido
  • Depression and emotional instability
  • Absence/loss of menstruation (amenorrhea)

In addition, here are a few other ways that HYT can help with:

  • Balance the immune system
  • Balance the autonomic nervous system
  • Improve circulation and healing
  • Weight loss
  • Increase flexibility
  • Balance emotions
  • Develop an awareness of a healthy diet and lifestyle

When you should avoid HYT

Certainly, there are some conditions for which HYT is not suitable. Therefore, contact a doctor if you have, or have ever had:

  • During pregnancy
  • Cancer that is hormone related
  • Psychiatric problems
  • Severe hyperthyroidism
  • Severe hypertension
  • Large myomas/fibroids
  • Women who have had appendicitis but still have the appendix
  • Advanced endometriosis
  • Undiagnosed abdominal pain
  • Recent surgery
  • Severe cardiovascular diseases
  • Advanced osteoporosis

In conclusion, Hormone Yoga Therapy offers a natural alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy. Most importantly, when practised regularly, it can alleviate symptoms of hormonal imbalances. As a result, Hormone Yoga Therapy will help you feel your best again!

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