#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#36 The Stress-Hormone Connection

#36 Stressed Out? The Hidden Toll on Your Health

This episode is recommended for every woman who suffers from hormonally related discomfort of any kind; whether it’s thyroid problems, cycle issues, menopausal symptoms, digestive issues, or concerns with weight management.

I urge you to listen to this episode, even if you’re currently convinced that you don’t experience any stress at all. The topic is much more complex than you might suspect at this moment.

I’ll even go so far as to claim – if you had no stress, you probably wouldn’t have any hormonal complaints.

In this episode, you’ll learn how our stress system functions, what long-term stress does to your health, and how stress affects your hormones.

I’ll show you that modern stress isn’t always consciously perceived by us. More than ever, it’s crucial to intentionally create relaxation and moments of calm in our lives and not allow stress to overpower our hormones and our lives.

Check out the Ayurveda Hormone Detox

Check out the Hormone Thrive Program

Weight Loss: 5 Key Hormones Affect Your Weight

Weight Loss: 5 Key Hormones Affect Your Weight

As women reach their 40s, many encounter a perplexing challenge: unwanted weight gain that seemingly defies diet and exercise efforts. Stubborn fat accumulates around the abdomen, hips, and thighs, leaving them frustrated with their attempts to shed pounds.

Unraveling the Role of Hormones

You might wonder, “Hormones? But I’m not in menopause yet!” Indeed, hormones wield significant power over your weight, regardless of your menopausal status. When these hormonal messengers fall out of balance, they can wreak havoc on your body, often manifesting as unexplained weight gain among various other symptoms.

Deciphering Hormonal Imbalance

If you’ve been grappling with the unrelenting struggle to lose weight despite adopting healthier eating habits, hormonal imbalances might be the culprit. Alongside weight gain, an array of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms can signal a hormonal shift:

  • Mood swings
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Hot flashes and night sweats
  • Digestive issues
  • Water retention
  • Low libido
  • Breast tenderness
  • Cravings for specific foods
  • Hair loss

These symptoms often fly under the radar as most women dismiss them as normal or receive a thyroid hormone prescription without delving into the root causes.

The Influence of Five Key Hormones on Weight

Before we dive into the hormone maze, it’s essential to understand that all hormones are interconnected. A disturbance in one can ripple through the entire hormonal balance. Let’s explore five influential hormones:

1. Thyroid Hormones – The Metabolic Maestros

The thyroid gland produces thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3), hormones responsible for regulating metabolism. Hypothyroidism, characterized by a sluggish thyroid, can lead to weight gain, dry skin, fatigue, constipation, and hair loss. Various factors, such as stress, intestinal problems, and nutrient deficiencies, can impact thyroid function.

Addressing the root causes, like managing stress and healing the adrenal glands, should precede thyroid hormone supplementation.

2. Insulin – The Gatekeeper of Sugar

Insulin is produced in the pancreas and plays a crucial role in transporting and storing sugar, in the form of glucose, within muscle, fat, and liver cells. However, when you consume excessive sugar or carbohydrates and lead a sedentary lifestyle, your cells can no longer effectively absorb the excess glucose.

The surplus glucose is converted into fatty acids, stored in adipose tissue, resulting in weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area. This becomes especially problematic when cells develop insulin resistance due to sustained high carbohydrate intake. Not only does insulin resistance lead to significant weight gain, but it can also lead to diabetes in the long run.

The great news is that insulin resistance can be reversed through a low-carbohydrate, high-fiber diet, and regular physical activity.

3. Cortisol – The Stress Response Hormone

Cortisol is produced in the adrenal glands. It’s the hormone that has ensured our survival since the beginning, allowing us to endure hunger periods and life-threatening situations (fight or flight responses, infections) and go beyond our limits. Nowadays, we are mostly exposed to emotional or mental stress (like relationship issues, depression, existential fears). However, the physical response to modern stress still follows the same pattern.

When cortisol levels rise, our brain anticipates a famine and stores calories as fat, which is challenging to shed. You can learn more about the connection between stress and weight gain in this article of mine.

Because cortisol is vital for our survival, it takes precedence over all other hormones, including our sex hormones or thyroid hormones. When dealing with thyroid issues, infertility, or estrogen dominance, it’s crucial to consider our stress levels.

4. Leptin – The Satiety Sentinel

The hormone Leptin is our satiety hormone. It is produced in fat cells and its role is to communicate to the brain that we can stop eating when enough energy has reached the cells.

Overweight individuals have ample body fat and leptin in their bloodstream. So, they should always feel satisfied, right? Quite the opposite happens. Similar to insulin, many individuals experience leptin resistance. The communication between the brain and cells is disrupted, and the message “You are full and can stop eating” simply doesn’t get through.

An essential step in normalizing our leptin levels is reducing body fat, especially through a low-fructose and low-carbohydrate diet, and ensuring… adequate sleep! Studies have shown that sleep deprivation correlates with low leptin levels and high ghrelin (appetite-stimulating) levels.

5. Estrogen – The Feminine Hormone

Female curves, beautiful skin and hair, a strong cardiovascular and immune system, strong bones, passion, and warmth of heart – that’s what estrogen does – at least if we don’t have too much or too little of it! However, strongly fluctuating estrogen and progesterone levels are typical for women in perimenopause (the time before menopause, on average between 42 and 52 years old) and menopause.

For weight gain, especially between the ages of 35 and 45, an excess of estrogen is often responsible, which we refer to as estrogen dominance. It is also considered estrogen dominance when estrogen levels are low (typical during menopause), but they are still too high in relation to progesterone (which is often too low). Estrogen dominance not only causes fat deposits on the legs and hips but also leads to water retention, a bloated stomach, or PMS.

PMS stands for premenstrual syndrome. It refers to physical and psychological – emotional complaints related to the menstrual cycle, which can occur 4 to 14 days before the start of the period in each monthly cycle. Physical complaints include diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, painful breasts, migraines, headaches, and a feeling of fullness. Emotional complaints include mood swings, anxiety, depressed mood, irritability, crying for no reason, being overwhelmed).

An excess of estrogen can also prevent the absorption of thyroid hormones. Estrogen dominance is increased by stress, environmental toxins, nutrient deficiencies, medications, and disorders of liver and intestinal function. Natural regulation of estrogen levels is possible through detoxification, building up the intestinal flora, and a fiber-rich diet with leafy vegetables and cabbage such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, or cauliflower.

Hormones as Messengers of Change

When estrogen, cortisol, leptin, thyroid hormones, or insulin are out of balance, and you’re struggling with weight issues, you need to explore different strategies and paths than before. Consider your hormones as messengers.

Your body is signaling that something isn’t right through physical symptoms, weight gain, or mood swings.

How Can I Assist You?

As an Ayurveda Hormone Coach, I’ve delved deep into the intricate relationship between hormones and weight. My Hormone Thrive Program has yielded remarkable results for clients struggling with weight issues, helping them improve digestion, banish bloating, and shed excess weight. My online Hormone Thrive program empowers women to regain their vitality, energy, and a trim waistline by addressing hormonal imbalances. If you suspect your hormones are the culprits behind your weight woes, I’m here to guide you on your journey to hormonal harmony.

Explore the Hormone Thrive Course and take control of your weight and well-being. Remember, your hormones play a pivotal role in your weight journey.

You can find more information and registration for the program here: https://carinagreweling.com/hormonethrive

#27 The Liver’s Crucial Role in Health, Hormones, and Happiness

#27 The Liver’s Crucial Role in Health, Hormones, and Happiness

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#27 The Liver’s Crucial Role in Health, Hormones, and Happiness

#27 The Liver’s Crucial Role in Health, Hormones, and Happiness

In order to understand the connection between the liver and hormonal imbalances, we must first realise that the liver is our most important detoxification organ. It ensures that toxic substances are rendered harmless and converted in such a way that they can be discharged via the stools and the urine.

If the liver is healthy, it can easily get rid of these substances.

However, if it is overloaded, it cannot adequately break down used hormones. And at the same time she cannot take care of the production of new hormones, for which she is also responsible.

In this podcast episode you will learn how you can tell that your liver is overloaded and what hormonal disorders and symptoms are associated with it.

Many women are not even aware that their liver is overloaded. And that’s no wonder, because the liver has no nerve cells. That’s why we don’t notice when she’s not feeling well or signs of liver problems don’t appear until much later. And as already mentioned, hormonal problems can also indicate a weakened liver, such as: cycle problems; severe menopausal symptoms; PMS; irritability; depressive moods; mood swings; weight gain and water retention; cysts and fibroids; breast tenderness or problems and pain around ovulation.

The good news: The liver has the ability to repair itself if we provide the right conditions. And that’s why I developed my Ayurveda Hormone Detox program.

A program designed to release deep stored toxins for more energy, balanced hormones, strong digestion and deep sleep. We help you to shape up your body and feel strong and self-confident.

The program is perfect for you if you suffer from hormonal imbalances like

  • Insulin resistance
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Estrogen dominance or
  • High androgen or testosterone levels
  • If you want to stop taking the pill without side effects
  • If you feel that you lack energy you are constantly tired
  • Headaches, low libido and weight gain
  • Hot flashes and insomnia

An online course with self-study, weekly live sessions and  24/7 support forum. I would be very happy if I could also help YOU with the Ayurveda Hormone Detox to recapture your energy, your lightness and your hormone balance.

And I would like to give you, as a loyal podcast listener, a small gift. Click the booking link below and save 50€ for a short time. Your hormones will thank you!

You can find more information and registration for the program here:

BOOK NOW & SAVE 50€ for a short period of time. Click here.

#26 How Alcohol Affects Hormones: What You Need to Know

#26 How Alcohol Affects Hormones: What You Need to Know

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#26 How Alcohol Affects Hormones: What You Need to Know

#26 How Alcohol Affects Hormones: What You Need to Know – Interview with Wendy McCallum

Wendy is a burnout & alcohol coach and helps professional women to develop a healthier relationship with alcohol. In this episode we share our different perspectives and approaches around alcohol. 

Tune in and discover: 

  • Why did Wendy decide to become an alcohol coach?
  • The most common myths about alcohol.
  • How does alcohol impact your hormones?
  • What effect does it have on emotions and mood? 
  • What is the culture of alcohol?
  • Tips for an alcohol-free night out.
  • Health benefits of not drinking alcohol.
  • How long does it take to detoxify the body before you can feel the positive effects? 
  • How much alcohol is safe to drink?
  • What can you do to support your body to detox alcohol quicker if you had some?

We would LOVE to hear from you any thoughts, reactions, or takeaways you have as you’re listening, so definitely screenshot and tag us @beatburnoutandbooze & @hormonecoachcarina .

Discover Wendy’s work here.  

#18  5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

#18 5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#18 5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

#18  5 Tips to Strengthen your Thyroid

The thyroid gland is simply indispensable and vital. Every cell in your body has thyroid hormone receptors. Our mental health, our metabolism, our menstrual cycle, our fertility, digestion, mood and performance, as well as beautiful skin, hair and nails all depend on a well-functioning thyroid gland. That is why it is so worthwhile to strengthen the thyroid gland. 

There are different diseases of the thyroid gland such as goiter, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism or autoimmune diseases of the thyroid gland such as Hashimoto thyroiditis or Graves’ disease. 

Conventional medicine usually treats them exclusively with synthetic thyroid hormones, such as L-thyroxine. These drugs can indeed balance thyroid hormone levels. But the problem is that this kind of treatment has its limits and many patients are still not symptom-free. But the doctor can’t help them further because the thyroid levels seem okay according to blood work.

Regardless of whether you are taking thyroid medication or not. If you notice signs of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism it’s important that you support your thyroid. That’s why, in this episode, I show you five ways to boost your thyroid naturally.

Medication alone won’t get us very far because it doesn’t address the root cause of why the thyroid isn’t functioning as it should. We need to ask ourselves what factors have caused the thyroid to not function optimally. In my experience, there are five main factors that affect the thyroid. And those are the factors we should work on if we want to strengthen our thyroid.

In this podcast episode, I would like to share with you five tips to naturally support your thyroid so that you can hopefully feel better very soon.

Tune in and discover:

  • Improve digestion
  • Nutrition and superfoods for the thyroid gland
  • Toxins that threaten thyroid health and detoxification
  • Balance of sex hormone
  • Stress management and relaxation

For each of these areas, you’ll get easy-to-implement tips that you can immediately incorporate into your daily routine.