#38 Turning 40: Hormonal Glow or Chaos?

#38 Turning 40: Hormonal Glow or Chaos?

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#38 Turning 40: Hormonal Glow or Chaos?

#38 Turning 40: Hormonal Glow or Chaos?

If you’re in your early to mid-40s or approaching this age, you may be experiencing changes in your body that leave you wondering what’s happening. In this episode, we delve into the complexities of perimenopause, exploring its symptoms, hormonal fluctuations, and how to support your body naturally during this transitional phase.

In this episode, I discuss:

  • Understanding perimenopause.
  • Estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency.
  • The role of stress.
  • Effects of inflammation on hormone receptors.
  • Importance of maintaining gut health.
  • Dietary and environmental factors to consider.
  • Promoting overall well-being through healthy habits.

Discover my Hormone Thrive Program

Article: 7 Tips to Increase Progesterone Naturally

#37 AstroVeda for March: Ayurvedic Wisdom & Astrological Guidance

#37 AstroVeda for March: Ayurvedic Wisdom & Astrological Guidance

naturopath paris carina greweling
THRIVE Podcast by : Carina Greweling on

#37 AstroVeda for March: Ayurvedic Wisdom & Astrological Guidance

#37 AstroVeda for March: Ayurvedic Wisdom & Astrological Guidance with Lauren Brady

Welcome to another episode of AstroVeda with Lauren and Carina, offering astrological guidance infused with Ayurvedic wisdom for March.

Join us as we discuss:

  • Main Planetary Changes in March.
  • Mercury in Aries: where communication and adaptability meet leadership and determination.
  • Shiva – Shakti principle for balancing feminine and masculine energies.
  • Abhyanga (self-massage) for Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
  • Understanding burnout and its impact on hormones and health.
  • How to holistically heal burnout.
  • Choosing a mantra or practice to align with lunar phases.

Join Lauren’s online Lunar Yin Yoga class on March 5th or book a transformational coaching session with her.

Discover more about Carina’s work here:

HORMONE THRIVE – My signature program for slow living, Ayurvedic self-care practices, healthy habits and natural hormone balance.
Free Metabolism Course – Optimise your metabolism and heal your digestive problems with Ayurveda

7 Medicinal Plants for Hormone Balance

7 Medicinal Plants for Hormone Balance

Nature’s pharmacy provides effective means to naturally support our bodies in achieving hormone balance. It’s important to emphasize that Ayurveda prioritizes an individualized approach. The selection of herbs can differ depending on an individual’s unique constitution (Prakriti) and the specific imbalance (Vikriti) they may be experiencing. In this article, we will delve into the distinctive properties of the following plants from both Western and Ayurvedic viewpoints: Ashwagandha, Nettle, Roseroot, Milk Thistle, Maca, Cinnamon, and Chasteberry.


Here are my favorite medicinal plants for hormone balance:



Ashwagandha is a powerful natural remedy that can assist in restoring inner balance, especially for those experiencing constant pressure, sleep issues, or feelings of nervousness and anxiety. This herb functions as a natural adaptogen, aiding the body in effectively managing stress and emotional strain. It actively supports adrenal and thyroid functions, reduces inflammation, and contributes to stabilizing blood sugar levels. Ashwagandha is available in both capsule and powder forms, providing flexibility in consumption methods.

Here’s how Ashwangadha might influence each dosha:

Vata Imbalance:

Symptoms: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, dry skin, constipation, andfatigue.

Ashwagandha’s Role: Ashwagandha is grounding and calming, making it beneficial for reducing anxiety and promoting relaxation. It nourishes the nervous system, helps with sleep, and supports the overall stability that Vata individuals may lack during imbalance.

Pitta Imbalance:

Symptoms: Irritability, inflammation, digestive issues, skin rashes, and overheating.

Ashwagandha’s Role: Ashwagandha has a cooling nature, making it useful for pacifying excess heat and inflammation associated with Pitta imbalance. It supports the digestive system, helps manage stress-related irritability, and promotes a sense of calm.

Kapha Imbalance:

Symptoms: Weight gain, lethargy, congestion, respiratory issues, and emotional heaviness.

Ashwagandha’s Role: While ashwagandha has a grounding effect, it’s important not to overuse it in cases of severe Kapha imbalance, as it may exacerbate the feeling of heaviness. In moderate amounts, it can be beneficial for providing energy, reducing lethargy, and supporting emotional well-being.


If you’re experiencing hormone-related water retention, incorporate two cups of nettle leaf tea into your daily routine. This herb boasts detoxifying and purifying properties while also stimulating metabolism. Moreover, nettle leaves are rich in essential minerals such as iron, potassium, and silicon. Notably, nettle effectively alleviates heavy menstrual bleeding and exhibits efficacy against inflammation and dermatitis.

Here’s how nettle may impact each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Benefits: Nettle is generally considered warming and can be beneficial for Vata imbalances. It may help alleviate symptoms associated with excess Vata, such as coldness, dryness, and nervousness.

Caution: In excess, nettle’s diuretic properties might exacerbate Vata imbalances related to dehydration. It’s essential to balance its consumption with hydrating elements.

Pitta Imbalance:

Benefits: Nettle is often considered cooling, making it potentially useful for Pitta imbalances. It may help soothe inflammation, acidity, and heat-related conditions.

Caution: Despite its cooling nature, some individuals may be sensitive to nettle. It’s advisable to monitor the body’s response, especially if there is a known Pitta sensitivity.

Kapha Imbalance:

Benefits: Nettle is considered drying and may be beneficial for Kapha imbalances by helping to reduce excess mucus and water retention.


If you’re experiencing tiredness, exhaustion, depression, or difficulty concentrating due to persistent stress, consider incorporating roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) into your routine. This medicinal plant effectively regulates cortisol levels, enhances mood, boosts mental performance, and provides energy. Rhodiola root is conveniently available in capsule form or as a tincture, offering flexibility in consumption options.

Here’s how roseroot may influence each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Properties: Rhodiola is generally considered to have warming properties. Effect on Vata: It may help balance Vata by providing warmth and stability. Vata imbalance often leads to anxiety, restlessness, and a scattered mind, and roseroot’s calming effects may be beneficial.

Pitta Imbalance:

Properties: Rhodiola is often classified as having a cooling energy.

Effect on Pitta: Its cooling nature may be helpful in calming excess Pitta. Pitta imbalance can manifest as irritability, inflammation, and excessive heat in the body, and roseroot’s cooling properties might offer relief.

Kapha Imbalance:

Properties: Rhodiola is generally considered to be light and drying.

Effect on Kapha: While it has a drying effect, it may help balance excess Kapha by providing stimulation and reducing lethargy. Kapha imbalance often leads to heaviness, sluggishness, and a lack of motivation.

Milk thistle

The traditional medicinal plant, milk thistle, stimulates liver detoxification, aiding in the elimination of excess endogenous or foreign estrogen. It shields the liver from toxins and promotes the regeneration of damaged liver cells, ensuring optimal organ function. This, in turn, enhances nutrient utilization, supports thyroid hormone synthesis, and boosts metabolism and fat burning. The active ingredient, silymarin, additionally stimulates digestion and alleviates feelings of fullness, heartburn, and constipation. Milk thistle is conveniently available in various forms such as capsules, tablets, tea, or tincture.

Here’s how milk thistle may impact each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Milk thistle is considered to have a grounding effect, which may be beneficial for individuals with Vata imbalance.

Vata imbalance is associated with qualities like dryness, coldness, and instability. Milk thistle’s potential ability to support liver function and maintain a balanced digestive system could be supportive for Vata types.

Pitta Imbalance:

Pitta individuals, characterized by qualities of heat and intensity, may benefit from milk thistle due to its potential cooling and anti-inflammatory properties. The liver, a key organ affected by milk thistle, is associated with Pitta. Supporting liver health may contribute to maintaining a balanced Pitta dosha

Kapha Imbalance:

Milk thistle’s potential detoxifying properties might be helpful for individuals with Kapha imbalance. Kapha imbalance is linked to qualities such as heaviness and congestion. Supporting liver detoxification may aid in balancing Kapha dosha.


Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a natural adaptogen renowned for its stress-reducing properties and hormone-balancing effects, particularly beneficial for women in their fertile age and early menopause. This powerful herb helps alleviate low progesterone and estrogen levels, activates the thyroid, boosts libido, and alleviates various menopausal symptoms. In younger women, maca enhances fertility, regulates menstrual cycle irregularities, and mitigates symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Conveniently, maca is available in capsule or powder form, making it easy to incorporate into your routine, such as blending it into smoothies. When purchasing maca, opt for high-quality, raw organic powder sourced from Peru.

Here’s how maca might influence each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Maca is considered warming, which can be beneficial for Vata individuals who tend to be cold and experience imbalances related to excess Vata. It may provide a grounding effect and support energy levels.

Pitta Imbalance:

Maca is generally considered warming, which might aggravate Pitta heat-related imbalances. It might provide a calming effect and support hormonal balance.

Caution: If someone experiences digestive heat or acidity, it’s advisable to monitor how the body reacts.

Kapha Imbalance:

Positive Influence: Maca’s potential ability to enhance energy and vitality could be beneficial for Kapha individuals, who may sometimes struggle with lethargy. It might provide a gentle stimulant effect.


The spice cinnamon stimulates glucose uptake by cells, effectively lowering elevated blood sugar, insulin, and cholesterol levels, as well as reducing high blood pressure. Incorporating up to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder daily is ideal, whether it’s added to porridge, golden milk, or your smoothie. It’s essential to ensure that you’re using authentic Ceylon cinnamon, as the inferior cassia cinnamon may have adverse effects even in small quantities.

Here’s how cinnamon may impact each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Cinnamon is warming, sweet, and has a slightly spicy flavor. It can be beneficial for Vata imbalances, as it helps to counteract the cold and dry qualities associated with excess Vata. The warming nature of cinnamon can promote circulation, alleviate coldness, and provide comfort.

Pitta Imbalance:

Cinnamon is generally considered to have a warming and stimulating effect. However, moderation is key, as excessive use may aggravate Pitta in some cases.

Kapha Imbalance:

Cinnamon’s warming and stimulating qualities make it beneficial for Kapha imbalances. It can help counteract the cold and heavy qualities associated with excess Kapha, promoting digestion and reducing sluggishness.


For centuries, chasteberry (Vitex agnus-castus) has been a staple in treating hormonal disorders among women of fertile age. It actively stimulates the production of pituitary hormones, facilitating progesterone production to counteract estrogen dominance. This medicinal plant supports a regular menstrual cycle, alleviates breast tenderness, and effectively addresses various symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Here’s an overview of how Chasteberry might influence each dosha:


Vata Imbalance:

Bitter and astringent tastes, which are present in Chasteberry, can help balance excess Vata. However, it should be used in moderation. Its potential calming effects may benefit individuals with Vata imbalances, as Vata is associated with qualities such as dryness, coldness, and lightness.

Pitta Imbalance:

Chasteberry’s bitter taste and potential cooling properties might be beneficial for Pitta imbalances. It could help alleviate symptoms related to excess heat, inflammation, and acidity, often associated with Pitta dosha.

Kapha Imbalance:

Chasteberry’s bitter taste and astringent properties may contribute to balancing Kapha, as these qualities are opposite to the heavy and sweet characteristics of Kapha. It might help in reducing excess mucus or dampness, which is typical in Kapha imbalances.

In conclusion, harnessing the power of medicinal plants can be a transformative journey towards achieving hormonal balance and overall well-being. From Ashwagandha’s stress-relieving properties to Milk Thistle’s liver detoxification benefits, these natural remedies offer a holistic approach to supporting our bodies in finding equilibrium. Whether you’re seeking relief from hormonal imbalances, menstrual irregularities, or menopausal symptoms, incorporating these botanical allies into your daily routine can pave the way for renewed vitality and vitality.

If you’re ready to embark on this journey to hormonal harmony, I invite you to explore my services as a Ayurveda Health & Hormone Coach. Together, we can tailor a personalized wellness plan that integrates the power of medicinal plants, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle modifications to support your unique health goals. Drop me a message. 

Recognizing 5 Common Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

Recognizing 5 Common Signs of Hormonal Imbalance

Appearance, metabolism, mood, energy, fertility, or libido – these aspects of our well-being are intricately linked to our hormones, exerting significant influence on our quality of life. Achieving a harmonious balance in hormone levels is crucial for overall wellness. However, when these levels fluctuate excessively, whether too high or too low, or fail to adjust in the appropriate proportions, we experience what is known as hormonal imbalance. This imbalance can manifest in various symptoms, leading to a sense of discomfort and diminished well-being.

In this article, I will outline five common signs of hormonal imbalance.

hormonal imbalance<br />

1. Irregular periods, pain, or PMS

When our hormones are well balanced, our menstrual cycle proceeds smoothly and regular each month without significant issues.

However, certain symptoms related to your menstrual cycle may indicate a hormonal imbalance:

  • PMS-like symptoms, including mood swings, bloating, breast tenderness, sugar cravings, and fatigue, which typically occur in the days leading up to your period.
  • Menstrual cramps or lower back pain
  • Irregular periods
  • Absence of periods (referred to as amenorrhea)
  • Heavy and prolonged bleeding

2. Weight Gain

You’re likely aware that weight gain can result from overeating, consuming unhealthy foods, or leading a sedentary lifestyle. However, even with a balanced diet, careful calorie monitoring, and regular exercise, shedding unwanted pounds might remain elusive. If you find the scale stubbornly climbing or notice stubborn fat accumulating in specific areas of your body, a hormonal imbalance could be at play.

Here are some signs that your hormones might be hindering weight loss:

  • Persistent Fat Deposits: Particularly around the hips and thighs, which could indicate estrogen dominance.
  • Weight Gain Around the Waist: This may be associated with insulin resistance or an imbalance in cortisol levels.
  • Fluctuations in Weight: Notable weight shifts throughout the menstrual cycle are often indicative of imbalances in sex hormones, particularly estrogen dominance.
  • Diagnosed Conditions: Conditions such as PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) or hypothyroidism can significantly impact weight regulation.

Recognizing these signs can be crucial in addressing underlying hormonal issues that may be impeding your weight loss efforts.

hormonal imbalance

3. Mood Swings

Have you experienced the rollercoaster of emotions, soaring with joy one moment, only to plummet into despair the next? Hormones wield considerable influence over our mood, thoughts, and emotions. Our sex hormones—estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone—share a close relationship with our ‘happiness and relaxation hormones’—serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. When the balance of our sex hormones is disrupted, our brain’s natural mechanisms for relaxation, sound sleep, and overall well-being can also fall out of sync.

Keep an eye out for the following signs of hormonal imbalance affecting your mood:

  • Mood swings (“on cloud nine one moment, utterly downcast the next”)
  • Feelings of anxiety or panic
  • Heightened irritability—little things seem to irritate you more than usual
  • Disturbed sleep patterns—particularly noticeable in the last one to two weeks of your cycle
  • General sense of low spirits, lack of motivation, or depressive moods

Recognizing these signs can be instrumental in addressing any underlying hormonal imbalances and restoring emotional equilibrium.

hormonal imbalance

4. Skin Problems

Skin issues often stem less from inadequate skincare routines and more from internal bodily processes, notably the balance of our hormones.

Here are signs that your skin problems may be linked to hormonal factors:

  • Acne concentrated along the cheeks, chin, and neck
  • Excessive oiliness in the skin and hair
  • Dryness, thinness, or sensitivity in the skin, or accelerated signs of aging
  • Skin impurities and breakouts, particularly prevalent before menstruation

Here are some common hormonal imbalances that can contribute to acne and how they may manifest on the skin:

1. Testosterone Imbalance:

    • Testosterone is a male sex hormone present in both men and women, albeit in different amounts. An imbalance, particularly elevated levels of testosterone, can stimulate excess sebum production in the skin’s oil glands.
    • This excess sebum can clog pores and create an environment conducive to bacterial growth, leading to acne breakouts.
    • Testosterone imbalance can manifest as oily skin, particularly in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin), and can contribute to the development of cystic acne or deep, painful pimples.
    • Estrogen Imbalance:
      • Estrogen is another sex hormone that plays a crucial role in maintaining skin health. An imbalance, particularly low levels of estrogen, can lead to skin dryness and thinning.
      • Reduced estrogen levels may impair the skin’s ability to retain moisture and promote collagen production, making it more prone to dryness, wrinkles, and sagging.
      • Estrogen imbalance can exacerbate inflammatory acne and contribute to slower wound healing.
    • Progesterone Imbalance:
      • Progesterone is a hormone involved in regulating the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. Imbalances in progesterone levels can affect sebum production and skin cell turnover.
      • Elevated progesterone levels can lead to increased sebum production, similar to testosterone imbalance, contributing to acne formation.
      • Progesterone imbalance can also affect skin texture and tone, leading to uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation.
    • Cortisol Imbalance (Stress Hormone):
      • Cortisol, often referred to as the stress hormone, plays a role in the body’s response to stress. Chronic stress can lead to dysregulation of cortisol levels, resulting in various physiological effects, including on the skin.
      • Elevated cortisol levels can stimulate sebum production and inflammation in the skin, exacerbating acne breakouts.
      • Cortisol imbalance can also impair the skin’s barrier function, making it more susceptible to environmental damage and irritation.

    It’s important to note that hormonal imbalances can vary from person to person and may involve multiple hormones interacting.

    hormonal imbalance

    5. Lack of Energy, Exhaustion, and Loss of Libido

    In today’s fast-paced world, an increasing number of women find themselves battling exhaustion and fatigue. Balancing family, work, household responsibilities, and personal needs can be a daily struggle in our performance-driven society. Over time, prolonged stress and aging can disrupt the delicate balance of our stress hormones, potentially leading to a cortisol imbalance.

    Here are some possible indicators that your adrenal glands may be overwhelmed:

    • Difficulty rising in the morning, feeling uncertain about making it through the day
    • Dependence on coffee or carbohydrates to stay alert
    • Afternoon energy slumps
    • Difficulty concentrating or finding motivation
    • Loss of libido or decreased sexual desire

    It’s essential to recognize that many of these symptoms are not “normal,” contrary to popular belief, even among medical professionals. However, you can alleviate and prevent issues related to hormonal imbalance by adopting a holistic approach to support your body. This includes embracing a hormone-friendly lifestyle, following a nutrient-rich, low-inflammatory diet, and incorporating targeted use of medicinal plants and supplements, such as vitamins and minerals.

    If you’re experiencing additional hormonal imbalances or need further support, consider joining my Hormone Thrive Program. This comprehensive program is designed to help participants rebalance their hormone systems naturally within a 20-week period. It provides extensive background knowledge and emphasizes practical implementation. Participants receive a wealth of resources to support their hormone balance in everyday life, including meditations, workbooks, treatment protocols for various hormone imbalances, personalized recommendations for medicinal plants and supplements, Q&A sessions with me, and much more.

    Discover the Hormone Thrive Program.

    Ayurvedic Amaranth Porridge

    Ayurvedic Amaranth Porridge


    Due to its dry, light properties, amaranth is the ideal grain for those with slow digestion. Kapha digestive types have low protein requirements. In addition, this recipe is a great alternative to oat porridge. Amaranth helps to get rid of mucus and is diuretic.


    1tbsp ghee or coconut oil

    ½ tsp fresh ginger (peeled and chopped)

    ½ tsp vanilla powder

    5 tbsp amaranth (washed thoroughly in a sieve)

    ¾ cup rice drink 

    ½ ripe mango (sliced)

    1/4 cardamom powder

    1 pinch of salt

    1 splash of lemon juice


    1. Heat the ghee in a small pot and sauté the ginger and vanilla.

    2. Add the amaranth and rice drink and bring to a boil.

    3. Cover and simmer the porridge over low heat for about 30 minutes until it reaches the desired consistency

    4. Meanwhile, soak the mango pieces with 1 tablespoon of water and the cardamom in a pot. Simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

    5. Season the porridge with a pinch of salt and lemon juice. Serve with the mango slices.

    VATA types

    Add some more ghee. Cook the porridge with a little more liquid as this counteracts the dryness. You can even take coconut milk. Don’t consume this breakfast on a regular basis.

    KAPHA types 

    Replace half of the rice drink with water.

    PITTA types

    Replace the mango by a sweet apple or a pear. Take lime instead of lemon juice. 

    Work With Me

    If you want to find out whether your hormones might be the reason you can’t seem to lose weight, are experiencing menstrual issues and PMS, or constantly have cravings, why not book a complimentary Discovery Call with me? It can provide you with clarity about what’s going on and if my Hormone Thrive Program, available as a group and VIP program, can help you to kickstart your hormone balance.


    Ayurveda’s Guide to a Hormone-Balanced Breakfast

    Ayurveda’s Guide to a Hormone-Balanced Breakfast

    Mornings hold the promise of a fresh start, and in Ayurveda, how you begin your day can set the tone for the rest of the day that lies ahead of you. 

    The Importance of a Balanced Breakfast

    Breakfast in Ayurveda is considered essential because it jumpstarts your metabolism, balances your Doshas, and sets the rhythm for your day. It’s like providing your body with the right tools to function optimally. A wholesome breakfast fuels your physical activities, enhances mental clarity, and plays a crucial role in hormonal balance.

    The morning is when your body’s hormonal system is most receptive, and what you eat can either support or disrupt this delicate balance. Skipping breakfast or consuming unhealthy choices can lead to hormonal imbalances, which can result in mood swings, energy fluctuations, and other health issues.

    In Ayurveda, breakfast isn’t just a meal; it’s a ritual, a practice that can have a profound impact on your physical and emotional health. The ancient science of Ayurveda recognises the importance of starting your day with a balanced breakfast to promote overall wellness and also, to help balance your hormones.

    Heard it right: Hormone-friendly! As an Ayurveda Hormone Coach, it is very important to me that my clients pay special attention to their breakfast. Especially for women who suffer from exhaustion, hypothyroidism, or adrenal fatigue, a protein-rich breakfast is crucial. Because protein provides long-term energy, keeps us alert, and maintains our blood sugar levels stable. Stable blood sugar keeps us fuller for longer, protects us from cravings, and relieves stressed adrenal glands.

    Best Ayurvedic Breakfast For Your Dosha

    Ayurveda teaches that choosing foods that align with your constitution type “Dosha” and the season can help harmonize your hormonal system. 

    For example, Vata types can benefit from warm oatmeal with spices like cinnamon and cardamom, while Kapha types might focus on freshly cooked, whole foods that are light, dry, warming, well-spiced, and relatively easy to digest—ideally served warm or hot. Pitta can choose breakfast options that have cooling and calming qualities to balance their fiery nature like a sweet or savoury quinoa porridge or a coconut chia pudding.

    Why is Breakfast Good for Hormones?

    Having breakfast is recommended for hormone balance for several reasons, especially when following principles from holistic systems like Ayurveda and modern nutritional science. Here’s why it’s important:

    • Blood Sugar Regulation: Eating a balanced breakfast helps stabilize blood sugar levels, which is crucial for hormone balance. When you skip breakfast, your blood sugar can drop, leading to increased stress hormone production, like cortisol. This hormonal response can negatively affect your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being.
    • Metabolism Kickstart: Breakfast jump starts your metabolism, ensuring your body functions optimally throughout the day. This metabolic boost can help maintain a healthy weight and contribute to hormone balance. When you skip breakfast, your metabolism might slow down to conserve energy.
    • Hormone Production: Certain hormones, like insulin, are responsible for managing blood sugar levels. Having breakfast can support the proper secretion and functioning of these hormones. An imbalanced diet, especially one that excludes breakfast, can lead to insulin resistance and other hormonal imbalances.
    • Cortisol Regulation: A morning meal can help regulate cortisol, the body’s primary stress hormone. Skipping breakfast may result in elevated cortisol levels, contributing to stress-related health issues. Balanced cortisol levels are vital for overall hormonal harmony.
    • Thyroid Function: For individuals with thyroid issues, particularly hypothyroidism, having breakfast is important. It ensures you’re providing the necessary nutrients and energy for your thyroid to function optimally. Skipping breakfast can impact thyroid hormone production and metabolism.
    • Fertility and Menstrual Health: For women, breakfast can be particularly crucial for fertility and menstrual health. Skipping meals, especially breakfast, may disrupt the menstrual cycle, affect ovulation, and lead to hormonal imbalances.
    • Nutrient Intake: A balanced breakfast allows you to include essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals in your diet. These nutrients are vital for overall health, including hormonal balance. Skipping breakfast might lead to nutrient deficiencies.
    • Emotional Well-Being: Eating a nourishing breakfast can have a positive impact on your mood and emotional well-being. Hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine, play a role in regulating your mood, and they can be influenced by your dietary choices.
    • Mindful Eating: Starting your day with breakfast encourages mindful eating habits. This can lead to better food choices and portion control throughout the day, further supporting hormone balance.

    It’s important to note that the specific breakfast choices should align with your individual constitution, needs, and any existing health conditions. In Ayurveda, for instance, different doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) have distinct dietary recommendations for breakfast to maintain hormone balance and overall well-being.

    If you don’t know your Ayurvedic digestive type check out my article: “What’s Your Digestive Type?”

    Below, you’ll discover two hormone-balancing recipes along with some suggestions to tailor them to your specific Ayurvedic digestive type.

    Hormone-Balancing Sweet Kitchari

    Ayurvedic Amaranth Breakfast

    Do you want to discover more about your unique Ayurvedic body-mind type? Then watch my Youtube video “How to Thrive for Vata, Pitta & Kapha”.

    Work With Me

    So now let’s talk about you. How are your hormones doing? Are you feeling well? Are you comfortable with your weight? Do you have energy and sleep well? Is your menstrual cycle running smoothly? Are you transitioning easefully into menopause?

    If not, it might be related to your hormones. Because when they are not in balance, we don’t really feel comfortable in our own skin.

    If you want to find out whether your hormones might be the reason you can’t seem to lose weight, are experiencing menstrual issues and PMS, or constantly have cravings, why not book a complimentary Discovery Call with me? It can provide you with clarity about what’s going on and if my Hormone Thrive Program, available as a group and VIP program, can help you to kickstart your hormone balance.